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Overcoming School Refusal helps readers understand this complex issue by explaining exactly what school refusal is and provides them with a range of strategies they can use to assist children in returning to school.
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Wright includes a re-reading of Brecht’s early works, which presents them in relation to a postmodern theatre, and gives critical analyses of the work of Pina Bausch, Robert Wilson, and Heiner Müller, who use the techniques of ...
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The Dresden collection's singular group of Rembrandt works - about 20 drawings attributed to the master today and the nearly complete oeuvre of etchings- will provide the basis for this remarkable publication.
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Edited by Ulrich Bischoff. Text by Anna-Catharina Gebbers.
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At the beginning of the 18th century, three life-sized marble statues of women were found near Portici on the Bay of Naples. This volume presents the comprehensive story of these famous statues.
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Chapman Pincher called Sonya the most successful agent-runner of all time, but this daring, courageous woman has remained an enigma, hunted and maligned by the spy-writers of the West. In this book, she tells her own story.